Garden Design in Knutsford

Garden Design in KnutsfordHave you marvelled at the garden design in Knutsford of other peoples homes? Maybe you’ve been amazed at how talented they are at creating perfect symmetry and colour balance. There’s a pretty little waterfall in a corner bordered with water plants, just the right accessory and all around the greenest grass without a bare spot to be seen. You’ve seen homeowners out puttering around in their lovely gardens on Sunday mornings and envied the time they have to spend on such a gorgeous creation. Would you be surprised to learn those homeowners probably didn’t design and create their garden themselves? They may be choosing to do some of the maintenance but it could be a creation of our Lancashire Top Soil Ltd. We do truly amazing work based on our 30 years of experience.

Whether your garden is large or small, we can transform it into a private paradise for you. In Knutsford, garden design begins with a visit to your home by our design team. They gather information about your likes and dislikes and space they have to work with. Then they set to designing a perfect garden space for you based on your preferences. The design along with our bid will be mailed to you for your approval. Individual items can be changed if needed and we’ll make sure to work within your budget. Ground preparation comes first for success so the plants, shrubs and trees get a healthy start. We use only premium quality plantings sourced from known and respected growers.

For your garden design in Knutsford, we advise you to take a good look at your garden space and imagine it the way you’d like it to be. Depending on the availability of space you might want to include a unique children’s play area. We can also install decking and stone pathways leading to water features and seating areas. Add some comfortable chairs and fairy lights for a delightful oasis to enjoy an evening cocktail in your own backyard. Contact Lancashire Top Soil Ltd and allow us to design your garden area. The initial sketches and quotes are free so it costs you nothing to find out the available possibilities. Once completed, our landscaping service can maintain your garden for you with weekly mowing and trimming.

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