Magical School Play Areas in Chorlton

School Play Areas in ChorltonSchool play areas in Chorlton are the envy of many. Children have an abundance of energy and they need school play areas where they can simply run and burn off steam so that they can settle down for a time of learning. With child care settings, playgrounds need lawns, and climbing equipment and should be designed in such a way that they are safe, where children can interact with nature and where there is sufficient sun and shade. Some children spend about 40 hours of the week in child care and at school, so it is important that their ‘2nd home’ is conducive to play, learning, fun and security. Lancashire Top Soil Ltd have loads of experience with creating exciting play areas for children. With more than 30 years of landscaping projects, they will be sure to create a play area suitable for the children in your school.

In Chorlton, school play areas are all about adventure and having fun in a safe environment. A qualified Lancashire Top Soil Ltd designer will visit your school free of charge to see what your requirements are and to provide you with a quote of what you require for your children. There is a lot to choose from, and you can take your pick from nature gardens, sand pits, activity spaces, water games, tricycle and bicycle tracks, murals and playground painting and much more. The Lancashire Top Soil Ltd team is full of imagination and enthusiasm and nothing is beyond their expertise. With so many options, the only difficult is choosing the one for your school.

School play areas in Chorlton are great places where children have the opportunity to play in an exciting playground, and run around. An alternative to the conventional grass in play areas is artificial lawn.  This is an economical alternative which doesn’t require watering or weeding and looks and feels as good as grass.  If you are at a loss in choosing the most appropriate play area, Lancashire Top Soil Ltd will be happy to provide ideas and advise you on what is recommended. If you would like more information on school play areas, be sure to contact Lancashire Top Soil Ltd.

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