Landscape Gardeners in Stockport

Landscape Gardeners in StockportSo, you would love to buy the house but it needs landscape gardeners in Stockport before you’ll be happy there. Older homes often have overgrown gardens as the owners grow older and unable to maintain it. Trees were planted without a view to the future and twenty years later branches are too close to the house. Large sections of the garden receive no sun so are bare. Shrubbery meant to frame the house has now grown above the windowsills. So much shade keeps the house dark inside. At Lancashire Top Soil Ltd, projects like this one will often reveal some very nice mature plantings that just need thinning. We might find raspberry vines growing in debris and climbing roses choked out by honeysuckle. Undoubtedly there will be Hostas ready to split.

Such garden conditions offer options for the new homeowner and require decisions based on knowledge. In Stockport, landscape gardeners have thirty years’ experience helping people make educated decisions about their domestic and business landscaping that shows their property at it’s best. Your idea might be to dig out everything, uproot the trees and shrubs, level the ground and start all over. We can do that for you. But, before we do we want to see what’s already there, make some designs and find out what is your vision for a completed garden. You might want to keep those climbing roses and the shrubbery might look healthy trimmed back with dead wood pulled out.

As your landscape gardeners in Stockport, we could keep a little, add a little and install new sod. We might even be able to keep the trees with some creative pruning that will allow light through the thick canopy. Contact Lancashire Top Soil Ltd and we’ll come out and have a look at your garden. We can prepare estimates based on different options and you can choose which option you prefer. The finished job will look beautiful, fresh and healthy which will bring back the dignity of your older home. We could add some strategically placed stonework, maybe a water feature and even add landscape lighting for a relaxing nighttime setting. You’ll love it.

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