Playground installers in Stockport can make a piece of ground a wonderful place for play time. There are any number of different combinations of safe and educational playgrounds available. We specialise in providing a full range of options for fun and learning in many areas. We can build a tricycle or bicycle track that teaches the children about road safety and allows them to practice their newly learnt skills. We find that decorating an area with number games is very popular with young children. We can also design an area that allows the children to sit in a circle to hear stories and is decorated with mythical beasts and fairies which helps to activate the imagination during story time.
When you need to keep the children engaged and interested in Stockport, playground installers can design exciting areas for any age range. We can design an activity area that will encourage the children to exercise and burn off excess energy making them less likely to take out that energy by bullying or being rough with each other. Our timber work includes totem poles that can be painted by the children and timber walkways over pretend streams to help develop balance. We can place rubber safety surfacing on the playground to prevent any harm coming to the children should they fall. We find that gardens of all kinds are especially beneficial.
Playground installers in Stockport are skilled in the art of creating a magical playground area. If you are interested in a magical playground and need the assistance of our playground installers, contact Lancashire Top Soil Ltd. We will visit you at your school to go over your unique requirements. Once we have decided on a design that suits the ages and abilities of the children, we will offer you a no obligation free quotation. We can work to a budget and start with basic and cost effective designs that can be built onto when the funds permit. Eventually the entire playground will be finished. We also advocate surrounding the playground in security fences as there is a need to keep the children safe at all times.